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Catching Tales
By Jamie Cullum
Hi y'all !! Not much to write since I last wrote.
I now work 4 days a week for Susana Labs (10 hrs) and 5 days for CHL (40 hrs). I got paid Friday from CHL and was supposed to get paid Saturday from Susana... but "T" wasn't there. I'll tell her Tuesday so hopefully I can get my fair share...
"C.S." and I hung out Wednesday night and Friday night... we'll meet up again tomorrow night (that would be Monday). Things are well. He calls more often and tries to hang out. Our visits are more frequent... which is real nice.
I interviewed at InfRes twice now. I'm waiting for the call-back from HR for my background check. No worries there... just the "pain & agony" of waiting...
No word on the "moving" situation. My sis doesn't know yet... it's just a possible option. She wanted to keep me updated so her possible move wouldn't be such a shock, if it ever happened.
So for now, life's normal. I'm working my butt off & being under-paid at 2 different jobs & having a pretty active social life.
Things are good otherwise.
I'm up to 5 days at Susana Labs (when I'm not sick).
I see CS almost every other day... very cool!
Nothing new from InfoRes or ATK (both places I've interviewed for)
That's everything
Okay... so... more details...
I work 5 days a week at both jobs now... Mon-Fri @ one and Tues-Sat @ the other... "T seems to be very happy with me. A lot of her other employees have totally backed out. Some either just stopped showing up, or some took "personal" time off without regard to responsibility. I know it's not a CEO type job at all... but it is a job and deserves some respect after all. "T" tries to fill the schedule so the work can get down. If someone doesn't show up, that's makes it hard on everyone else that does show up. One girl every requested for her hours to be kept, but she won't be back for another month and a half, maybe 2 months.
I'm learning most of the dogs names pretty quickly, but still get confused... there are a lot of blonds and chocolates and blacks... and they are all grouped together by color, so it makes it a little difficult. One of the full-timers is telling me little things about each. red ball fiend, blond ball fiend, rat tail, nasty scar... totally helps... there's a blond "shadow". tall black "shadow", short black "shadow", chubby white, chubby chocolate, chubby black, curly black, lazy black... with 36 dogs (& 7 puppies) ya gotta look for "clues".
In a few weeks, the newbies will come outside and there will be more work. cleaning poopie trays, more food, more water, more names. I'm trying to remember the other 36 now, so the new puppies and mommies will be easier... otherwise I'd have 39 dogs and lotsa puppy names to remember.
One puppy already has a home. One of the girls I work with is saving up money so she'll hopefully have enough by the time the puppy is weaned from it's mommy. She said it's a white blond female. With her pay, (by not paying any bills and strictly saving it all) it would take a month. the pup isn't walking yet, and can't go home until she's 8 weeks anyway... so she has some time still.
So today is my only day off... I've been busy however... cleaning my mousy cage... cleaning my doggies' ears, picking up doggie poop... my life ain't much different from work I guess... still gotta do laundry. I work 5 days and own 4 pairs of jeans... all4 pairs are muddy, poopy, and bleached at this point...
So yeah, CS and I saw each other Wed/Fri/Mon/Wed/Fri... life is good, real good.
The last time I saw him was St Patty's Day nite... I called when I got off work. He was hanging out with his friends and one guy answered the phone. He said he was in the bathroom but he'd let him know I'd called. About 1/2 an hour later, I sent him a text message asking if he wanted to hang out later that night. ((see I figure it like this... I was calling practically every day, then I figured I'd annoy him to the point that he wouldn't want to call me back. I was calling every other day. Then he started calling me asking if I'd want to hang out on a particularly day. I'd always say yeah, but I realized he was always doing the asking so I thought I'd ask too...)) He called me back an hour later, asking if I'd called. His friend never told him but he saw my number on his "incoming" list. He told me (asked me) to come over. He said he was pretty tired but still wanted to see me. I called him when I was halfway there to make sure he hadn't fallen asleep. He laughed and said "No. But hurry up and get here". I called when I got there and he let me in. We went in his room and sat on the bed to watch TV. About 3 minutes later he was asleep So I sat back and watched tv til I got tired and went to bed myself... In the morning, he asked me... "what happened last night? I remember letting you in and sitting down to watch TV... then it was morning." I laughed and told him yeah, he'd fallen asleep not even 5 minutes after I'd gotten there...
Still haven't heard anything from my interviews. My friend from InfoRes has been out. She sent me this text message a week ago that she had a death in her family... that was the last I heard from her. I assume the family was local because she said she'd just seem him a few days before. I sent her an email Friday but haven't heard back yet. I hope all is well with her... I think I will send an email to ATK as well... not sure what to say however. I want them to know I'm still interested in the position but it's been almost a month since my interview... Feb21. I last heard Mar3 that they had some internal applicants and were trying to make a decision... 2 1/2 weeks...
Well, it's getting dark and I'm getting cold. Whenwill it start getting warm again?!?!?! I've been wearing 4-7 shirts a day... I'm surprised I got sick... I was out on Wednesday but went back to work Thursday. My throat is really raw. I think eventually I will lose my voice... hope I don't get CS sick... don't need to go through that again...