another behavioral case. they had him for 2 years, he was abused before. never really an agressive dog... but he'd get moody at times. then he'd pick on some dogs and get them angry... not a good plan when you've got 7 males looking for a reason to fight... they'd finally had enough of the 80-lb boy when he jumped on their 11 year old daughter... she doesn't have a scratch on her, but they didn't want to take that chance again... he's just too big and too case... there are puppies coming and going from that place... all whites, yellows, and reds. we've been waiting for blacks and chocolates... a chocolate female was finally pregnant.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
...reality check...Well things with C.S. are a bit different... he told me, although things haven't changed, we came to an understanding... things with us are the same, but we are "just friends". it doesn't change how much i love him, but he still doesn't love me... things are the same they've always been all these years... |
Thursday, June 29, 2006
...and as a further update... C.S. and I are not fighting. I'm still happy as ever, it was just more of a reality to me. I saw him Tuesday night and he's called me twice today... so I know there isn't anything wrong. I know how busy he is, and how focused he is on work. He's told me millions of times that he can't focus on a relationship for about 2 years because it wouldn't be fair. He's on-call 24/7 at work and doesn't want to jeopardize anything (business or social) so he's kinda keeping things at arms-length. we are still very happy (I know, I already said that) so I'm not worried at all. I've been on vacation from work for a week now. Friday morning I worked one job, then I left Friday afternoon and spent the weekend at my parents' house. Monday morning (4am) I drove home. The family doesn't know I'm on vacation so I have to keep up this facade that I'm still a busy bee working 2 jobs all week long. All the while, I've been sleeping and swimming the week away. Tomorrow afternoon I go back to work. And although my week has been very hot, and very boring. I'm dreading going back to work... But reality must sink in eventually. I had let my natural brown hair grow back but with all the sun and swimming my hair is getting blond again. It actually looks good so I don't mind. My hair has been so many colors that people don't believe the brown was my real color. My original goal was to keep the brown and add blond streaks... but that plan didn't work. The whole top just turned blond... so much for doing it myself. Guess you gotta pay an arm and a leg with the professionals to get what you really want, right? and I've seen 4 movies this week. X-men-- loved it!! Cars-- definitely loved it!! Garfield-- very cute. Nacho Libre-- very, very cute. I definitely recommend 'em all. |
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Happy 4th of July!!
The family that got Sancho... okay, here's their story. They bought 2 labradors from SusanaLabs. The dogs grew up and they discovered that one of them had hip displasia (like having a dislocated hip). It requires a very expensive surgery. The pupps are always guaranteed. Any problems like that come up, she'll either return the money or replace the dog. They family opted for a replacement, so they took Sancho. I came back from vacation, and Sancho is back... along with the other dog that the family had. Now I'm not quite sure why, but there is a puppy there for boarding and he is separated from the other dogs. Sancho and "red dog" are not... so, I think they are back to stay... I'll have to wait until the "holidays" are over to see who stays and who goes. Okay, the other puppy (boarder). He is just adorable!! His name is Sampson. He's got the cutest face, cutest expression. But he's a submissive urinator... so he's always getting into trouble... otherwise he'd be such a pampered pooch!! Then, Sonny... he was the 'beaten-up' dog. He's much better now. All healed up, no more drugs. Another family had returned a dog (like Sonny, but different mommy & daddy) like an identical twin though. He was a major disaster case... but unlike Sonny, HE'S the problem dog. He is/was very aggressive and tried to attack 3 people there. The "guy" owner of the place was the only one he trusted. Well, in the end, the "guy" owner was the one he attacked and bit. The people who returned him, they returned him because he bit the dad and drew blood. Only after the fact did the family admit they worried he might have rabies. Well, they tested and he didn't, but it is too risky to rehabilitate and rehome him. You can't get close enough to train him... how can you rehabilitate??? Well, that's it. My 4th of July was okay. My sis, my niece, and I went to another house up the street... so happens to be our other sister's in-law's. We went there for food and fireworks. Fun Times!! Oh, and I'm doing book keeping at the dog place. Wonderful stuff. There were some problems with the program so I had to start over from scratch... two weeks of work down the drain... but I got back on track in 2 days... Go Me!!! Okay, good nite! See ya!! |
Friday, July 07, 2006
Sunday, July 09, 2006