Sunday, April 30, 2006

hey guys, some advice?
a very good friend of mine is quitting drinking cold turkey. i wanna be supportive of him. what can he do to keep him focused on this goal?

possibly some other thing he can do. like they say to stop smoking, eat carrots to keep your mouth focused on something positive... any advice? anyone?

i know he'll be sick, real sick. i'm kinda glad he's doing it though. he's just had enough. he's great at handling his liqour, responsible about it too in that he won' drive when he's had too much, but it's just the fact that he had been having it every day... and not just beer, he'd drink the hard stuff... every day... it never affected his work, or his life... but the health risks are catastrophic...

it makes it harder cuz of his roommate, he constantly makes him margaritas and stuff with twice the alcohol it should have.  he didn't originally wanna move in with this guy, but he wasn't approved to get his own place ((it was gonna be so great too )).  he thought things would be okay until all the margaritas, and bourbons, and vodkas... the guy likes his alcohol...

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