okay... so Monday, June 26th (posted July 9th)... of 2006... I think I'm a little slow these day... I do have another blog.. These previous postings came from my myspace blog (myspace.com/hubina). I have a new myspace now (myspace.com/mona_moonshyn). There are some more recent posts on there.
so now for the news.. let's see.. i quit job 2 December 31st, 2007. that's the day i just stopped going back. i would only work 1 or 2 Saturdays a month... and that would end up being about 5 minutes (so not worth it at $9/hour). the final straw wasn't the lack of work.. it was the surroundings... the atmosphere. i loved every dog there... and it was illegal (not to love them, obviously)... but they have a breeders license to own 7 dogs.. yippee, except there were over 47... and we were paid under the table so.. not entirely legal, right? then i was helping her hubbie run HIS business... an eBay business reselling stolen goods (didn't know that at the time... not til later did I figure things out). he quit that business because problems kept happening (duh!!) his stolen stuff, the new people would try to register it, and it came up as stolen... looked bad on them, when it was really HIS fault...
and i got in trouble with his business.. he gave me a credit card as payment... the ones that are temporary and don't have your name on them yet. he said to take myself on a shopping spree... well it was stolen mail, not his credit card, so not his credit.. that came back on me, when the lady declined the transaction...
then back to those poor doggies i loved so much. she was only legally allowed to have 7, she had 47, how can you possibly handle 47?? this dog fought that dog, another dog died in child birth, one died just after child birth, another dog killed another dog.... not the atmosphere that an animal lover wants. someone in it for the money won't care as much, they just hate the money lost... but an animal lover?? they hate the lives that were lost... that's a true animal lover.
job 1 (again in order of liking, not order of getting)... i'm being transferred to LA next October... so now i'm trying to find a new job to stay in simi.. my man of over a year now, he lives here, he works here, it's too inconvenient for me to be so far away... just not possible. my life is here, our 'babies' are here... uh-uh, ain't gonna do it...
so wish me luck on my interviews and things... i'm gonna need it...
i'll keep you posted...
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