Sunday, August 21, 2011

the weekend part 2

so, things got worse.. spreading down his legs, and his upper lip swelled up over night.. on a comical note, he looks like a Simpson character.. but the internet says that it is an anaphylactic reaction.. urgent care it will be (once they open..).. the big mystery is what the allergy is. Nothing out of the ordinary - normal food, no new soaps, no new laundry detergent or fabric softener.. we thought it was a plant, but nurse-friends are saying 'food, not plant'. there is some strange item growing in our garden & Ronnie was pulling veggies on Friday.. will still need to determine what that strange plant is. we feared it is/was poison oak, but too young to tell.. all the pictures we found are mature plants..

update: doc's diagnosis is allergy.. either an allergy to the cephalexin.. or the eggs in the mayo from our tuna fish sandwiches.. he got a shot of steroid, a shot of adrenaline, a shot of benadryl.. benadryl and staying cool (avoid sweating) - those are the "prescriptions". I'm thinking perhaps, the cephalexin lowered his immunity making him more sensitive to the eggs in the mayo..

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