Friday came around.. no one showed.. hmm.. oh well
nice quiet Fridays are still nice.. no chaos, no d.d
so Saturday, we planned the bbq-ing.. big, BiG, BIG beef brisket (14 lbs +)
Ronnie started cutting logs for bbq, with his "new" miter saw (yeah.. ya see where this is headed?)
while I'm inside working on 'stuffs'.. I hear a 'ka-thud' (uh oh).. then he continues cutting (phew..)
then another 'ka-thud'.. saw turns off.. he comes inside..
ow.. ow.. I know I hurt myself.. ow.. ow..
we look.. his finger is red.. like, real red
yeah.. something's not right..
do not cut a log on a miter saw..
not if you're holding it down by yourself..
stick a pin under your nail..
stick another pin under your nail..
then squeeze, squeeze, squeeze..
continuing on with the day (yeah. really)
dumb stupid log on the fire..
meat on the grill..
okay, stick a pin in your nail
stick another pin in your nail.
then squeeze, squeeze, squeeze..
measure.. compare..
& squeeze some more..
it's turning purple..
it's consistently leaking..
the peoples are over now..
are we crazy?
no trip to urgent care?
what will that cost?
no proof of insurance
(crazy Kaiser..)
need to check paperwork for policy #
a 14-lb brisket is good eatins'!!
steak rolls..
bbq sauce..
tomatoes & lettuce
does Kaiser have urgent care around here?
what time do they open on Sundays?
are they open on Sundays?
hydrogen peroxide..
foamy finger..
paper towel with duct-tape..
tie it all together..
go to bed and try to forget about it..
finger is more purple..
leaked all through the night..
Kaiser does not have urgent care around here..
the closest one is 20 miles away..
the paperwork has no policy#..
replacement medical card not received yet..
copay alone would be $20..
x-rays alone would be $50..
more squeezing..
more leaking..
blue nail..
purple finger..
feels like a squashed grape..
rattles inside..
pretty sure it might be broken..
head to toe hives..
swollen lip..
swollen tongue..
drill through the thumb..
grazed the bone..
smashed finger..
possibly broken..
need to keep that boy insured..
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