Wednesday, July 27, 2011
"terrible two's-day"
today however, I'm already out of work - so I got a new project, that I'm all confused about.. and lady is still asking me strange questions.. someone asked her a question yesterday and she wanted me to answer for her - excuse me? I have my own research questions to answer.. she's gonna have to learn to handle her own 'stuff'.
former co-worker starts Monday but he'll be in a different area than I thought. he's not in my old job, or my new job.. so I have no clue what he'll be doing..
yesterday, also.. a girl ordered Avon from my 2 weeks ago.. I received it that weekend and brought it to work last Monday - she was out on vacation all last week.. so I emailed her this past Monday to let her know I still have it at my desk. I emailed her around 2:30.. but she responded at 7pm (I leave work at 4) if I could please bring it by Tuesday when I'm leaving work.. I went to her building and called from lobby up to her - she wasn't at her desk.. I waited and called 2 more times - still wasn't there. So I took her stuff home with me, and brought it back to work today.. I emailed her at 3:30 I still have her stuff - tried to bring it by but she wasn't at her desk when I called. I also said that I would bring it by again around 4, but would call first to be sure.. called at 4:03 - she wasn't there again..
and again.. yesterday, got the mail from mailbox - found a whole stack of mail from previous tenants (in front unit) who moved out almost 3 months ago.. some was new mail, some was stuff I'd already returned.. how is the post office not understanding "not at this address".. this time I wrote "DOES NOT LIVE HERE" and put back in mailbox.. I'm about to trash the stuff - is that a Federal offense?? I've tried to return it, but the USPS isn't listening..
Monday, July 25, 2011
Monday morning is always slow in my new job.. so, like last Monday, I sat and sat and sat. Last Friday, I had given my numbers to my "new" boss. Last week was, of course, small productivity in my new job.. Today she said my numbers are too low. She had me scheduled as Monday & Tuesday with my new job giving me a productivity quota of 60 loans - I did 13.. If I don't have 60 loans, how can I say I did 60 loans?
Okay, not liking this job so much anymore.. it doesn't give me enough work..
Today I didn't get any numbers again - so, I won't meet my 30-per-day quota, again..
Also, my last week's loans.. just following up on those whenever the closers decide to close their loans..
is it Friday yet??
Sunday, July 24, 2011
things at work were definitely going much better. my new job has been slow and my old job has been busy, so I was back to helping out the old team.. I will continue with that tomorrow at work, until I get my "new" work in the afternoon..
Friday was a pretty boring day.. just work, work, work, and loads of laziness.. then came home and attempted to accompish something productive - cleaning, lundry, organization.. that sort of mumbo jumbo..
Saturday morning was shopping and then pool party at a friend's house. that was "LOTS" of fun.. I never actually went in the water (just put my feet in twice). lots of talking and mingling and socializing.. it was a good time, can't wait to do it again. came home from the pool party to a stinky house. took out the trash, and watched you-tube videos.. then off to bed..
got up this morning and it was still stinky!! looked around for what could be the problem. finally found it..
we had gone to the asian market "Island Pacific".. what did we buy? geeze, what DIDN'T we buy?? beef bones, fish, shrimp, spices, herbs, veggies.. I think there was lots more to it.. I just know we had to un-pack the fridge, re-arrange the fridge shelves, and re-pack the fridge to fit a lot of it in. That's when we left for the pool party..
This morning.. nasty smell.. still made Ronnie nauseous.. I started desperately searching for where the smell was coming from - finally found it on the kitchen island - grocery bag with 2 produce bags inside - inside those "produce bags"? large shrimp & medium shrimp - nasty smell!! now the dumpster trash can stinks.. thankfully WM comes tomorrow.. but it's 90-something outside.. those rotten shrimps are cooking out there! ick!! =P
really not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow - why is work never fun? i really wanna home job so I can do my job without dealing with office politics & office drama..
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
one of my friends that is getting canned - he has an interview tomorrow 10am in my area.. not sure where exactly the openings are.. I don't know if he'll be with me.. or with my friend Ben. it just so happens that in his department, everyone (yes, everyone) got laid off.. they have 2 weeks to find something, or they end up on unemployment (after their severance money runs out).
yesterday was a very boring day at work.. we get the new weekly report on Monday afternoons so I always have to occupy my time until then.. 5 hours of ??? yesterday the report didn't come so that was 8 hours of ??? at 3:20, I got a list of loans to help someone else out. but i have no clue what he does, so i wasn't much help.. then today, i got another stack of 'wait' loans.. yep, still waiting on those too. tomorrow, I finally get real work - 2 days of nothing is not fun.. i miss my old job. stressful, yeah.. but always busy!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
saturday was kinda busy.. garage-saling in the AM.. subway for "brunch" then home for a nap. off to Walmart we went for shopping.. then tomato sauce and pizza for dinner.
today, Ronnie did oil changes on both cars.. then he worked on the gate.. I went to the beach with Michelle and Dougie with the doggies.. that was fun.. a little awkward at times, but fun. Target for some fun shopping.. and then the weekend was gone =(
Friday, July 15, 2011
Ronnie woke up early to get to the valley early.. so I woke up alone =( ((he was still home, but already up and ready to go)) so I got up and got ready on my own.. cleaned Lillie's water.. gave kitties and 'Nona water too.. fed the kitties but didn't have time to feed 'Nona. ran out the door and off to work.
pretty normal workday/Friday most of the time. Left for lunch and saw "HUGE" smoke cloud to west.. there was some big fire on the 118 freeway (or by the 118 freeway).. came home to spend time with my babies.. then back to work..
oh.. in the morning, my cubicle-mate told me that 1 department in the buiding is "closing". they gave them 2 weeks.. they have to be re-hired as contactors (instead of Legacy-Countrywide employees that "merged" over to Bank of America). so all day I meant to tell another co-worker.. but kept forgetting.. so around 2:30 she called me because she'd heard the sad news. I didn't specifically know of anyone that was canned but worried of who might be.
so found out around 3:00 that my nephew (actually Ronnie's nephew) was given 2-week notice yesterday (w/$7000 severance pay). then found out another good friend was also given 2-week notice (don't know about his severance package). attempted to email both, but my nephew wasn't at work - told my friend we have/had an opening in my area. he should call my manager & teamleader to try for 'em. i then emailed my manager, she said there are 2 open requisitions. I emailed him back for his resume.. got it at 3:56 and forwarded to her at 3:57.. she's already signed off for the day =P
but, oh well.. got home to try to organize this house.. that of course didn't happen (when does it ever?) went to bank after money for spending cash.. then straight home to look up garage sales.. I researched 'em all, planned out what's where.. mapped it out.. stupid sucky printer won't work.. so i'll try again in a.m.
I can hear a little bit now.. some of my hearing came back.. but I can still feel "gunk" in my ear so I still have to keep up with the drops..
Thursday, July 14, 2011
ok.. so on Monday night, I tried my friend's suggestion - rubbing alcohol w/vinegar - Oh-Em-Gee!! it burned!! I was literally almost crying (I was saying "ow, ow, ow!".. but no tears).
imagine this - you have a cut.. you put lemon juice in it.. now keep pouring lemon juice on it.. what does it feel like now??
stop!! why would your torture yourself so!?
well, that was me, pouring rubbing alcohol and vinegar in my ear.. not just 1 drop, not 2, or 3, or 4.. but 5!!! and I had to let it sit there for 30 seconds!!! I couldn't take it anymore.
I tipped my head the other way and stuck the corner of a tissue in there, hoping to suck up this evil liquid.. pull out the tissue, little streaks of drops of blood - yes, this vile liquid was making my ear bleed!
so yesterday at work (yes, when I should have been working..) I researched more remedies.. copied several weblinks, and emailed 'em back to myself at home..
there were 3 I found intriguing (but would they work??):
1) tip my ear sideways over a humidifier
2) steam shower to loosen the 'gunk' in my ear
3) heat an onion in the microwave - let the onion steam loosen the 'gunk' in my ear (supposedly works with garlic too)
I came home and pulled out our ancient humidifier, filled the tank with water, and plugged it into the only available outlet in the entire house. sat there for what felt like 'forever' with my head tweaked sideways.. melted off most of my face, neck, and shoulder.. it finally got too hot so I had to stop (it's been relatively cool here lately.. but I'm still overheating on a "good" day)
didn't work - scratch that plan. I shuddered at the thought of enhaling onion steam.. so I skipped that 'remedy' but opted for the steam shower (I needed one of those anyway).
I started up the shower as hot as I could get it.. washed all of me faster than I ever have in 36+ years.. then stood with my ear catching all the steam it could find.. waited and waited and waited, until the water heater couldn't give anymore - then gave up.. again.
strike 2..
tonight I tried peroxide. 5 drops in my ear for 15 minutes - lots of crackles and pops, but unfortunately I still can't hear on my right side.. strike 3
fortunately life isn't a baseball game.. I'll just keep trying
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011
today, still not sleeping in =( but we went swimming! it was fun! I got sunburned! ..but it was fun! then about 1/2 hour later took a shower and my right ear completely clogged up - completely.. can't hear anything.. I'm stone-deaf on my right side now =( how will ever I get through the week??
we went grocery shopping.. that was fun.. got some essentials, got some "luxuries". now we are back home. Ronnie made the weekly salad - shrimp and crab meat with tomatoes (it has a name but I can't recall..) - yum yum! next is pasta for dinner..
he planned to ride his bike to liquor store for white wine.. goes to the bike rack and our bikes were covered in newly-hatched baby spiders, big momma right in the wheel well. he grabbed the bug spray out of the shed - it refused to work. he used ant/roach spray instead but that only killed the babies and made the momma mad. so he smashed her with an empty planter pot. she was a big 'ol creepy crawly black widow!!
he walked to Paul's liquor instead. got a nice white wine, pasta is cooking on the stove. Dougie and Michelle stopped by on their way home from the beach, so they went to the store to get a side dish to eat with our shrimp scampi =)
Saturday, July 9, 2011
I am amazed by how much of a blogger I am not.. or maybe I haven't had the inspiration other people have had.. I have tried many times to blog.. I just never had enough to talk about.. even though my life isn't an empty shell. I wonder half the time if the stuff I could write about would interest anyone at all.
I live in a teeny tiny small guest-house (650 sq ft!), cool landlord but crazy neighbors.. we have an awesome garden, and would LOVE to have a farm with land (give me land! lotsa land! with the starry skies above! don't fence me in!) .. a 650-sq-ft house doesn't come with a whole lot of land, and most of it is un-useable for gardening. CA isn't the best place for farming land, not unless you are in an un-incorporated section.. and then we both have jobs (duh!), so "un-incorporated" wouldn't be very economical.
past blogging was always about the trials and troubles of past guys in my life.. liking this one who could care less about me, being liked by another who I had no interest at all in.. now that I have a happy relationship, how do I find it so hard to find things to talk about?? and then, I could write for the sheer satisfaction of venting and releasing frustration (I do have lots of that, despite my happy relationship) but then if someone I happen to know, comes across my blog - this could start wars!!!
so, here goes.. weapons - alert!!
the neighbors.. huh, that's a rough-n-tumble topic.. so the old neighbors.. mr kick-the-dog punch-the-wall couldn't work (disability) so his girlfriend had to support them, plus their baby.. but after a year, they moved to something more affordable.
they told us the power was getting shut off May 6th cuz that's when the last guy was moving out (oh yeah, his brother lived there too) so we'd have to change electric bill into our name.. when we paid our May 1st rent, the landlord said not to worry.. the electric is in his name - ERROR ERROR ERROR. May 6th - zero power!!! however we didn't find out about it until 4:30, at which point SCE was closing and couldn't send a tech out (believe me - we tried, the landlord tried). so we wanted until dark for the next neighbor to get home. landlord hooked up an extension cord from their pool-pump to our elec box.. then we had our fish tank connected to the refrigerator outlet - yay! food and light! it made for a very long weekend, I was never so happy to see Monday.
June 1st the landlord had a guy move in so the house wouldn't be vacant & exposed to "whoever". wow, and I thought mr kick-the-dog punch-the-wall was bad. he is there maybe 2 or 3 days a week.. there is no furniture in the house.. 2 weeks later, a girl shows up with a dog.. she comes through our gate, apologizes, then says "sorry I'm friends with Tom in the front". say wha?? the dog is still there.. I think he is the one that is house-sitting..
since then, another girl came into our gate a few weeks later.. she realized early enough that she was in the wrong place and left before causing a scene... BUT just this past week, a girl came into our gate (we were in the house) and asked if she could use the cell phone.. we said no, so she tried to come inside to apologize! you don't just walk into someone else's house! where do you think you are? WHO do you think you are?? oh -and the landlord said the guy's name is Steve. where was "Tom"??
we bought a lock for the gate, but the brilliant braniac landlord made this gate.. it isn't a standard size.. doesn't fit a standard deadbolt.. we're going to have to rethink this whole situation.
at work I started a new job.. it's still the same department but a whole new job entirely. I didn't really know about it. my boss just moved me there. I thought it was just temporary to help them out.. nope, permanent. I like it though. it's the next step after my old job.. so some of it is really making sense now. some of the 'lingo' is still confusing however.. that part I still have to learn.
oh, and we have a new 'baby'. march 11th - 2 fluffy kitties.. adorable!!!!! our friends Daniel and Lori took one (a boy) a week later and we still have the other one (a girl - who we thought was a boy). she is the cat I always wanted (although I'd prefer short-haired, and not black). loves attention & very playful (she's just barely 6 months old) with big golden eyes.
we also built a music studio in our house.. rearranged some furniture to fit it all in. once again, we have wall-to-wall furniture =P