Wednesday, July 27, 2011

"terrible two's-day"

so Tuesday - not much out of the ordinary.. I did actually have work (which was awesome! - the having of work, not the work itself) I kept getting interrupted by the lady I used to train.. she's allowed to ask me question still, whenever she wants.. but yesterday's questions were of a different nature.. 2 were on errors she'd made that she wanted me to help fix.. 3 were on computer-troubles that she wanted me to help fix.. I'm quite sure my boss is going to start rethinking this ask-questions-whenever-you-want "dealio"..

today however, I'm already out of work - so I got a new project, that I'm all confused about.. and lady is still asking me strange questions.. someone asked her a question yesterday and she wanted me to answer for her - excuse me? I have my own research questions to answer.. she's gonna have to learn to handle her own 'stuff'.

former co-worker starts Monday but he'll be in a different area than I thought. he's not in my old job, or my new job.. so I have no clue what he'll be doing..

yesterday, also.. a girl ordered Avon from my 2 weeks ago.. I received it that weekend and brought it to work last Monday - she was out on vacation all last week.. so I emailed her this past Monday to let her know I still have it at my desk. I emailed her around 2:30.. but she responded at 7pm (I leave work at 4) if I could please bring it by Tuesday when I'm leaving work.. I went to her building and called from lobby up to her - she wasn't at her desk.. I waited and called 2 more times - still wasn't there. So I took her stuff home with me, and brought it back to work today.. I emailed her at 3:30 I still have her stuff - tried to bring it by but she wasn't at her desk when I called. I also said that I would bring it by again around 4, but would call first to be sure.. called at 4:03 - she wasn't there again..

and again.. yesterday, got the mail from mailbox - found a whole stack of mail from previous tenants (in front unit) who moved out almost 3 months ago.. some was new mail, some was stuff I'd already returned.. how is the post office not understanding "not at this address".. this time I wrote "DOES NOT LIVE HERE" and put back in mailbox.. I'm about to trash the stuff - is that a Federal offense?? I've tried to return it, but the USPS isn't listening..

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