so i've made it through one day with my ear blocked. it's got some pressure to it now.. not quite a headache yet.. think of altitude change, like with an airplane, how your ear gets pressure, and you just wait for it to pop.. yeah, that's what i'm feelin' - it just won't pop.. an old classmate gave me a suggestion of rubbing alcohol & vinegar (1:1 mixture) for 30 seconds.. I totally have to try that.. I can't see it being bad, as long as it's good.
oh.. and with my swimmer's ear, I got a sunburn for free..
last week (no wait, actually, the week before) a friend sent me an email about 2 kittens she has (+1 they are keeping). "litter box trained, eat food on their own, and very sweet and playful. Mom is an orange tabby and dad is a blonde tabby." how can anyone resist this adorable bundle of cuteness!?!?

then i had another friend at work that was interested. her son's cat disappeared almost a year ago, and they've been wanting to get him another for his birthday. so i asked for more pictures (per her request). she sent me a cute picture of 5 babies in a basket (all 5 are still up for adoption - the other people backed out on her) - 4 blond tabbies and 1 orange tabby.

so now my friend says - i can't see all their faces. I want to see all their faces. can you ask for more pictures - seriously!?! they all look very much alike. i can see the orange tabby in front left, and all others are blond tabby - what more is there to see? they are cute as all heck! I'D take one if i could (i'd take 'em ALL if i could). so now i gotta bug my friend again for more pictures..
today another friend at work, her friend rescued 2 puppies from the Devore Shelter - both girls, around 3 months old. possibly mastiff/lab or pit mixes.. also extremely adorable.

do these people know what they do to me?? if i had more room, i'd be taking every puppy and kitty that were ever emailed to me.
i've had the hardest time finding ANYONE to adopt anything.. my last foster baby was the luck of timing, they had just put their previous cat down 3 days before for old age. and with the recent foster, i bamboozled a friend. he came by, i shoved the kitty at him. that purring & snuggling bundle of fluff stuck in his mind, and he came back 20 minutes to bring him home (after just saying he couldn't take home another).
people always say babies are easier to find homes for - the cuteness factor wins 'em over every time. but my mother-in-law and sister have cats they are trying to find homes for. both around 4 years old - they are still adorable and (again) i'd take 'em if i could

i would love for my job to be puppies and kitties all day - but they do grow up into grumps and moody-monsters.. heck, my (2nd) job used to be puppies all day.. and they 'growed up' and became 70-lb puppies - that's a little bit harder to deal with.. but when you get 20 minutes of freedom, you tend to be crazy at it. i still love (and miss) every single one of them.
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